Watertown Human, Social & Leisure Services
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Sun, Moon & Stars Adaptive T-Ball/Softball Program Register View Cart

Watertown Stars T-Ball Adaptive Softball
Sun, Moon & Stars is pleased to offer an adaptive T-Ball/Softball program. Coach Sophia Angiolini will lead us in a “Learn to Play T-ball/Softball” Clinic.
You will be provided with a Watertown Stars T-Shirt & Baseball Cap.
Please provide a Glove and Cleats (Field Sessions) for your child.
This program is run by Sun, Moon & Stars, Inc and by invite only for Sun, Moon & Stars families.  Any questions, please contact christine@sunmoonandstars.org
"Sun, Moon & Stars organizes community events and collaborates with local establishments to provide its member-families with a judgment-free and supportive environment.     Sun, Moon & Stars does not provide therapeutic services or behavioral support at any such event. Each of our children has unique abilities and/or limitations and it is therefore critical that you are prepared to accommodate your child’s individual needs during a Sun, Moon & Stars activity or outing.We welcome you to invite additional family members or your behavioral therapist to accompany and assist you with making you and your child’s experience at a Sun, Moon & Stars event successful. Our goal is to provide a safe and comfortable atmosphere for all."

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Sun, Moon & Stars Adaptive Baseball/Softball Program 
6y - 16y K - 10 Sa  05/10/2025 - 06/28/2025
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Veterans Memorial Park - Baseball Field #3
$25.00 Res, $25.00 Non-Res
93 seat(s) available
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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