Watertown Human, Social & Leisure Services
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Buddha Bistro - Valentine's Day Event Register View Cart

Your child will chop, layer, sprinkle, and decorate 2 sweet treats in this instructed class. A layered chocolate, strawberry, whipped cream parfait, and 2 chocolate covered pretzels. Valentines themed coloring sheets. House made hot cocoa will be served. Sorry no walk-ins. You must pre-register with the Parks & Recreation Department at www.watertownctrec.com by Saturday, February 1st. For more information contact thebuddhabistro@gmail.com (860)417-6737.

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Winter 1 
4y - 8y N/A Sa  02/08/2025
02:30 PM - 03:45 PM

The Buddha Bistro
$28.00 Res, $28.00 Non-Res
4 seat(s) available
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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