Prime Time Health
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This is a scientifically proven plan for feeling young and living longer that is designed to help participants understand how their body changes as they age, prevent age-related diseases, sharpen thinking, boost energy, and take charge of their health. The program is designed to be facilitated either as a series of four (4) 90-minute sessions (recommended) or four (4) independent 90-minute sessions. These sessions can be taught in person or online and include hands-on activities, workbooks, healthy snacks, and recipes.
Make Your Own Medicine® - Learn about the keys and the science behind your body’s internal pharmacy. You can help your body produce these custom-made medicines and be in charge of your health.
Make Health Your Hobby - Understand how the body works and focus on making good choices for great health every day.
Move Waste From Your Waist - Waist size is a strong indicator of our overall health! Find out how to remove toxic waste and eliminate the health-harming chemicals that are produced by belly fat.
Live Without Pain and Inflammation - Inflammation literally means the body’s immune system is on fire. Learn the primary causes, and ways to reduce inflammation throughout the body
Objective: Prime-Time Health educates adults and seniors to add life to their years and years to their life by learning skills and information to sharpen thinking, boost energy, manage stress, prevent age-related diseases, and take charge of their health.