Watertown Human, Social & Leisure Services
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Town Wide Tag Sale

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Sales will occur in front yards, garages and on sidewalks throughout the town. A uniquely Watertown/Oakville event involving citizens, businesses, churches, civic groups, associations, Town leaders, neighbors and visitors building community and identity. Look for the “original purple signs” by Watertown Parks & Recreation. The intent is that while cleaning out in the Fall everyone not toss everything but instead offer an opportunity to turn trash into treasure.

All this to help build community through a shared experience and other celebrations one weekend in the Spring.
All participants who register will receive the following benefits: Registrant street address will be listed on the back of the master map available for the Tag Sale. Maps will be located at Gayle’s Farm Shoppe, Adams Supermarket, Watertown Meat Center, Tony’s Seafood, LaBonnes Market and the Parks & Recreation Department. We will also be advertising registered sellers in the Waterbury Republican.

We posted a checklist that provides recommendations in accordance with Centers for Disease Control recommendations on our website: keep a six-foot social distance between guests, limit the number of attendees and encourage wearing masks where distancing isn’t possible.

In case there is inclement weather on Saturday we will move the Tag Sale to Sunday. Call the Info-Line at (860)945-5272 for any updates. 

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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